My Speech For The Sandlapper Chapter (but I won’t be there)

So, I wrote this up to be shared with my home chapter peeps. I have to say, our chapter is pretty fantastic, but man, there are so many other cool chapters out there. This is a very brief description of the voyage so far – cliff notes version kind of 😀
The Great American Red Shark Adventure, or as my San Diego family calls it (they’ve even made shirts) is going well, and I must say the diversity between chapters is incredible. Starting off in Knoxville, I was honored with being their Keynote speaker for their non denominational holiday party. It was pretty fantastic, not only did they serve pork that was actually decent, they sent me on my way with a care package. You know, the stuff that every girl needs while travelling across country, wiper blades, tire gauges, bottle openers and pine tree air fresheners. Come to think about it, it seems like they had me stereotyped into being a smelly drinker. Oh well, they might not be too far from the truth.
I flew out to San Diego the next day and was greeted at the airport with people actually holding up a sign that said “Nikki” on it. Being the narcissist I am, I just figured that it HAD to be for me. How many other Nikki’s are there in the San Diego airport. As I lucked out, yes it was for me. Thank goodness. That first day we had an amazing event at the Southwestern Yacht club, where we were able to sit on the back deck, chat and enjoy the amazing California sunshine. I do believe I got some color – wahoo – tan bodies are happy bodies. 
After the formalities were done, I headed to my first host families house, who lived up on top of a mountain and look out over the hills. It was spectacular. That whole next day Bob (my host) and I adventured around and up and down the coast. Not only was a beautiful day, my car was running amazing – except for the whole not stopping thing. Turns out that when my car was being vetted at the infamous Carl Nelsons shop, the technician overfilled the resevoir. It was messy, but fixable.
Side note, if you get to San Diego, you must check out La Jolla Independent and meet Carl. He is an amazing guy, and one hell of a hugger. I think I have a few bruised ribs. 
Then on to LA, where my host there sat me in his Z4M Convertable and we zipped through the mountains to Santa Barabara. Ho – Lee – Crap, gorgeous. You think we’ve got some amazing driving roads around here, psssshhhhhh. I was absolutely in awe. I think my eyes got tired from looking at so much beauty. 
Then we had a spectacular board meeting, where I got to see how other chapters run their board. Uh, it included wine and excellent food. That I can get used to. 
Sadly I had to turn my back to California and take off down the road to Las Vegas, where I’m at now, looking at this computer wondering if I’m really ever going to make it back to South Carolina. I was at a Sin City BMW party last night and they had my car up in the air to take a peek, they found some “things that might hinder my forward momentum”. Eh, screw it, I’m going to see what happens. Besides, they also incorporate a very large amount of wine into their club meetings. It makes me wonder, maybe we need to start doing our meetings at a wine club and pretend we’re in California (or Vegas). 
More details when I get back and I sincerely hope to see each and every one of you at the Groundhog Day ride (that’s February 2nd for all of you that aren’t aware  – insert big smile here). I’ve got details on my website – just google nikki weed at it’lll pop right up. The ride starts at the fireworks stand off of exit one in Fair Play high noon and will wrap up at the Pebble Creek Clubhouse sometime before 3 ish. Please, if you don’t want to ride but want to dine and hear some tales from the road, come on down!!!
Be good y’all and don’t forget to make your contribution to the BMW CCA Foundation – insert another big smile here.


One thought on “My Speech For The Sandlapper Chapter (but I won’t be there)

  1. Nikki, keep the tyres turning and the shiny side up. We can’t wait to see the shark (and you, I suppose :p ) back in SC.

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