With Bated Breath…Formal Release Of “The Noodle, The Noose, And The Nectar” on Amazon very VERY soon.

I wait.

Then I wait some more. It’s actually okay though, I feel like I’ve got a strong head on my shoulders and am ready to bulldoze through the obstacles that are fixing to present themselves to me. Outta my way, I say, I’m going to make progress.

Progress for me, right now, is in the form of realizing that I have been sitting on a book that I have poured my heart and soul into and haven’t done a lick of work to try to get it out to the masses. After sitting here fighting with the “user friendly” self publishing program through Kindle, I’m only 12 hours away from having my book MY BOOK, online and ready for the world to read. I’m not sure exactly how much that means, and truth be told if I see that just one person reads my book it’ll tickle me to pieces. There were a few revisions that I wanted to make, but then again, I didn’t seem them being absolutely necessary.

I do want to give thanks where thanks is due, the one and only photographer (actually kind of by default cause he sent me a wicked cool picture and I decided it’d be perfect – in a metaphysical way of how our minds change gears just like a transmission.

Thanks also goes to those that have stuck with me through my ups and downs. Most notably, the ever handsome Mr. Bee.

I’d also like to thank the academy….(joking).

Most of all I’d like to thank Zips, my buddy that always smiles, never lets me down and doesn’t mind to get a bit crazy with me at times. We’re not great influences on each other at times, but we still hang.

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